What about heaven?

By  Lynn Turner

"Will we know our loved ones in Heaven?"


Russ and I were in the village of Laja Blanca, one of many villages in Panama that is accessible only by boat. Russ was teaching morning and night sessions on the book of Revelation- a subject dear to the heart of Indigenous people. 


After the first session, the men crowded around the chart asking Russ questions.  The ladies stood quietly behind the men - too timid to ask their own questions. When Russ finished, the ladies suddenly gathered around me and began asking questions. One question stopped me short.


"Will we know each other in Heaven?" one lady asked. They were particularly concerned about the children they had lost to death. I was shocked, but quickly answered, "Of course! The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 13:12, "For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known". That last phrase, "I shall know just as I also am known" would indicate that we shall know others as well as be known by others."


As the truth dawned on them, the joy on their faces was astounding to see.  Smiles broke out, and they started chattering among themselves. The life that these ladies lead is a grueling one. Each day that it doesn't rain, they haul water from the river to fill their barrels for drinking and cooking.  They chop and carry firewood to their houses for cooking over an open fire; wash their clothes and bathe in the river as well. Ladies grow old very quickly with the hard labor of their lives. Why wouldn't they be joyful about Heaven?


These ladies love the Lord, but they can't read to learn more about Him.  All they know of the Bible is what they hear. Therefore, it is important to train pastors and workers, so they can in turn teach these people in village after village!  


Each time we go, they receive us with open arms and hate to see us leave.  Their first question on arrival is, "How long can you stay?"  Their last question before we leave, "When will you come back"?  


It is our privilege to be invited into these villages to teach God's Word and show His love to encourage fellow believers.